Sexual Health Services
in London and Surrey

Sexual Health Promotion at UK Black Pride

23 August 2024

The North Central London Health Promotion Team from CNWL attended Black Pride on Sunday 11 August and had a stall with the PrEP Awareness Programme and the Camden and Islington Young People’s Outreach Team. People who attended the event were offered an STI screen alongside advice and information about maintaining good sexual health. The team also signposted attendees to other support services where needed.


The event provided an opportunity to connect with other services in Camden and Islington who support underserved LGBTQIA+ communities and explore joint working and partnership opportunities, while promoting safe sexual health practices. As a service we aim to meet patients where they are – we do this by ensuring our clinics are accessible and inclusive, but that we also take service delivery out of the clinic and into the community by way of health promotion initiatives, one-to-one outreach, and having a presence at local events. Friendly engagement with members of the public at events such as UK Black Pride allows the service invaluable insight into the needs of the communities we serve.

Dominic Reilly, CNWL's PrEP Programme Manager said,

“The atmosphere was as always fantastic, and CNWL’s PrEP outreach, Young People’s and CLASH team engaged with hundreds of people throughout the day, distributing our ‘Be PrEPared’ tote bags and t-shirts and our ‘Thirsty and Proud’ water bottles, signing-up young people to the C-Card condom scheme, and offering onsite HIV and STI testing”.

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